( Amirul HM, joining the IMSME students for some activities )
( 2009/2010 IMSMEs Students at AEI-UM )

(Prof. Samuel van den Bergh of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences)
Spoke mainly on:-
* Business Networks. COMMERCIAL transactions and RESEARCH Networking between AEI Alumni were given as examples.
* AEI Internship Programme generally and specifically at the ASEAN Secretariat(ASEC) - Jakarta, Indonesia (also showed an ASEAN promo video & picture slides of the activities held during the ASEC internship programme).
Subsequently, joined the IMSME class for some communications and cross-cultural activities.
Thank you to Prof. Samuel van den Bergh ( Prof. in Crosscultural Competence and Crosscultural Management)from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland for the kind invitation.
Note: Miss Arlene T. & Mr. Tendy G. of ASEC-Jakarta, there might be some queries on ASEC and ASEAN SMEs coming your way!