Monday, July 23, 2012

"GLCs Stifling the LOCAL Economy?" - TV Debate, Channel 127-UNIFI

[ Laughter Moments in Between Shots of FACE OFF, Episode 1-Season 1. Amirul(Against-Left), Raj(Host-Centre) & Zakir(For-Right) ]

" GLCs Stifling the LOCAL Economy? "

The above was the TV debate topic given to me and I was supposed to present my views against the topic.
The debate was aired at a new programme called " FACE OFF " which was aired last week(Wednesday) at 10PM on the UNIFI's Hypp TV - Channel 127 also known as The Capital TV.

Brief details of the programme:- The Capital TV
Promo Video can be viewed at Utube:- Capital TV Promo

Apart from regular Mamak Shop debate/discussions over a glass of teh tarik and normally spiced with some roti canai, the event was my first ever sit down debate.

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